I'm comfortable in admitting that my smart phone is my new buddy. She travels with me everywhere I go...even to the bathroom. Don't ask why! I'm not so sure either! It's the compulsion to re review my calendar, text a friend, or view my email. Gross, sure. Cathartic, most definitely.
So here I am, phone in hand, appreciating my "private time" ..or so I think...

I mean, c'mon Son, can Mommy use the bathroom in some form of privacy?!
What's even crazier is that this squirmy, wiggly hand game is not a new phenomenon in the Douglas household. These phantom fingers visit me the majority of the time I declare I deserve to have a shut door while using the potty. My son insists on probing his fingers in and out from under the door and have a conversation, all while Mommy uses the potty.
Tai's crazy, really. He gets it from my husband's side of the family =)
Okay, so YOU'RE next! Is your wallet manifesting into a CRAZY mini novel with receipts oozing out, awaiting to be penned into your checkbook register? Does your computer speakers innocently pick up your neighbor's CRAZY conversation from his CRAZY high frequency dispatching radio? Better yet, does your neighbor's car get pranked with vibrant colored post-it notes like Hillary's (http://www.theothermama.com)/?
Do tell! I'd like to know I'm in good company... =) It's comforting. I know my She Speak Sisters can relate and have tons of wacky tidbits to throw in the pot..