I'm comfortable in admitting that my smart phone is my new buddy. She travels with me everywhere I go...even to the bathroom. Don't ask why! I'm not so sure either! It's the compulsion to re review my calendar, text a friend, or view my email. Gross, sure. Cathartic, most definitely.
So here I am, phone in hand, appreciating my "private time" ..or so I think...

I mean, c'mon Son, can Mommy use the bathroom in some form of privacy?!
What's even crazier is that this squirmy, wiggly hand game is not a new phenomenon in the Douglas household. These phantom fingers visit me the majority of the time I declare I deserve to have a shut door while using the potty. My son insists on probing his fingers in and out from under the door and have a conversation, all while Mommy uses the potty.
Tai's crazy, really. He gets it from my husband's side of the family =)
Okay, so YOU'RE next! Is your wallet manifesting into a CRAZY mini novel with receipts oozing out, awaiting to be penned into your checkbook register? Does your computer speakers innocently pick up your neighbor's CRAZY conversation from his CRAZY high frequency dispatching radio? Better yet, does your neighbor's car get pranked with vibrant colored post-it notes like Hillary's (http://www.theothermama.com)/?
Do tell! I'd like to know I'm in good company... =) It's comforting. I know my She Speak Sisters can relate and have tons of wacky tidbits to throw in the pot..
My son learned at the humble age of 16 monthd how to pick the bathroom lock with the wing of a toy plane. I feel your pain. :)
On the brighter side, at least your lock still holds! My advice? Put a chain on the door while you still can!!!
Great form of crazy! I love it!!!!
Back when we had a dog, she would stick her little paw under the door and sniff and whine if I dared to shut the door. And then later when I had a child, he did the same thing. I guess the dog taught him that. Now that he is five he's stopped with the fingers under the door, but he does stand outside the door and chat me up.
that's so cute and funny. and yes now that the boys are older i find the dog paw sticking through every now and then.
Oh, I remember the days when I would have paid big money (if I'd had it) for some privacy in the bathroom. Why is it kids are perfectly content to play without needing you until you shut that door?
We all know the famous mommy saying "I never get to go to the bathroom alone". I used to think that would pass when they got older. I was so crazy to think that! Now they are 14, 17, 19 and 22 and while fingers are no longer creeping under the door, my private place is invaded for reasons like ~ "your bathroom is cleaner than mine (they are required to clean their own bathroom), "I was out of hair gel and needed yours" (they are required to buy their own toiletries at age 13..we consider it a right of passage), "we are out of towels in our shower" (another right of passage...doing their own laundry at age 13).
Hmmm....maybe I am crazy for trying to instill life skills in them. If I cleaned their bathroom, bought their toiletries and washed their towels, would I get my private bathroom back after all these years? Is it worth it? :)
Yes, I admit my wallet is a mess. I need helping cleaning it out. It looks like Antique Mommy's car ... minus the alligator of course.
Smiles ~ Rachel
I could SO take that same picture! I know egg-zactly that feeling of PUH-LEASE leave mommy alone for 2 minutes. Why don't they do that to daddies? We'll never know... one of the great mysteries of life. :)
So much fun! Thanks for being crazy with me!!
So funny, Mia! So you're a fabulous mom, I know. But I have a confession to make. People say how sweet I am with my kids. If they only knew how sometimes while I'm on the phone I'm running from room to room gently shoving little boys' heads away so I can listen to the poor friend who's telling me her sob story. Have you ever felt like, "Okay, I really DO care about your crisis of the moment, sister, just please ignore it when you here me say, 'not now- give mommy a moment!"
YES Kitty- I sooo am right there with you! hahaha.. my daughters get significance of the flailing arm sushing them, but my son- not so much =) Not to put it ALL on this reason, but, that's why I've become quite the texter. But for the meaty calls that require audible words, finding a quite room (and time) is a challenge.
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